DBT Therapy, In-Person or TeleHealth; DBT Couples Counseling - DBT Skills Group - DBT
DBT Therapy, In-Person or TeleHealth; DBT Couples Counseling - DBT Skills Group - DBT
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DBT Skills Groups are psychoeducational training groups in which skills are taught in the areas of: Mindfulness; Emotion Regulation; Distress Tolerance; and Interpersonal Effectiveness. (see description of DBT for more details about the skills modules). These groups follow a set agenda in which new information is taught weekly and homework and skills practice is assigned. The focus of this group therapy is teaching effective skill use for regulating emotions, changing destructive patterns of thinking and behavior, improving relationship skills, and building the life you desire.
At Princeton Center for DBT and Counseling, DBT Skills Group Training can be done as part of comprehensive DBT (which includes skills training, individual DBT, and phone coaching); or as a supplement to another form of psychotherapy when appropriate. Our adult groups are typically up to 8 individuals of mixed age and gender. DBT Skills Groups meet weekly for 90 minutes. It takes about 8 to 9 months to complete the modules once through. Many participants benefit from repeating the modules twice. Most of our DBT skills groups run continuously and new participants start when the group is starting a new module and cycle through the skills in whatever order they come in. There is no particular order required other than to complete the Mindfulness module first which is repeated between all of the other modules.
These groups are appropriate for adults ages 18 and older, men and women. The skills of Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness are taught in a weekly 90-minute session. These groups consist of teaching, experiential learning and discussion, with the goal of helping participants learn and incorporate the DBT skills into regular practice.
We offer Weekly Groups on Various Days & Times. Link to schedule.
Welcome to Princeton Center for DBT
DBT Therapy
Princeton Center for DBT and Counseling
Lona Stranieri, LCSW, Director, DBT-Linehan Board of Certification, Certified Clinician™
609-921-0020 or 609-468-1712
Email: Lona@PrincetonDBT.com
814 Executive Drive, Princeton NJ 08540
Princeton Center for DBT and Counseling