DBT Therapy, In-Person or TeleHealth; DBT Couples Counseling - DBT Skills Group - DBT
DBT Therapy, In-Person or TeleHealth; DBT Couples Counseling - DBT Skills Group - DBT
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At Princeton Center for DBT we recognize trauma as both single life altering events such as assault, illness or injury; as well as developmental trauma that is pervasive, occurs repeatedly throughout an individual's lifespan, and manifests as chronic anxiety, depression, relationship problems, and/or low achievement. We offer evidence-based methods which have proven to be highly effective for reducing post traumatic symptoms and improving overall quality of life.
EMDR was developed by Francine Shapiro, Ph.D., and is extensively researched and recommended as an effective trauma therapy treatment. In EMDR the client attends to past memories, present triggers, or anticipated future experiences while simultaneously focusing on bilateral eye movements, tones or taps. Through this process, the emergence of new insight, associations, or changes in memories bring relief of the distressing symptoms. EMDR is shown to be effective with a wide array of mental health problems and can be utilized as a stand-alone model of psychotherapy or as an adjunct to another model.
Prolonged Exposure (PE) is a cognitive-behavioral therapy developed by Edna Foa, PhD., an internationally renowned authority on the treatment of anxiety. PE was designed to help trauma survivors overcome chronic feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress suffered long after a traumatic event has occurred. Many survivors of trauma suffer from PTSD – the symptoms of which include sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, irritability, flashbacks and nightmares, extreme distress at reminders of the event, and chronic depression. PE therapy combines processing disturbing memories in session with practice in everyday life of re-engaging in avoided activities and situations.
DBT Therapy
Princeton Center for DBT and Counseling
Lona Stranieri, LCSW, Director, DBT-Linehan Board of Certification, Certified Clinician™
609-921-0020 or 609-468-1712
Email: Lona@PrincetonDBT.com
814 Executive Drive, Princeton NJ 08540
Princeton Center for DBT and Counseling